Results for 'C. E. Raven'

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  1. Is there a Christian Politics?C. E. Raven - 1950 - Hibbert Journal 49:348.
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    Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lectureship.Joseph Barcroft, E. W. Birmingham, Max Born, R. B. Braithwaite, W. Maude Brayshaw, G. A. Chase, Henry Dale, Howard Diamond, Herbert Dingle, Winifred Eddington, Wilson Harris, G. B. Jeffery, Martin Johnson, Rufus M. Jones, Harold Spencer Jones, Kathleen Lonsdale, E. J. Maskell, A. Victor Murray, C. E. Raven, F. J. M. Stratton, Hilda Sturge, W. H. Thorpe, Henry T. Tizard, G. M. Trevelyan, Elsie Watchorn, A. N. Whitehead, Edmund T. Whittaker, Alex Wood & H. G. Wood - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):287-.
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  3. C. E. Raven, Science, Religion and the Future. [REVIEW]R. Nicol Cross - 1943 - Hibbert Journal 42:85.
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    Ignorant armies: The state, the public, and the making of foreign policy.Earl C. Ravenal - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (2-3):327-374.
    A state's foreign policy is constrained by parameters that inhere in the structure of the international system and in the nation's own political‐constitutional, social, and economic systems. The latter, domestic parameters, include “public opinion.” Because the public is largely ignorant of foreign affairs, policy‐making elites have wide scope for acting more rationally than would otherwise be possible, although public opinion operates on the second‐order effects of foreign policy (e.g., taxes, casualties)—inviting mismatches of objectives and means. The prevalent nonrational theories of (...)
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  5. RAVEN, C. E. - Natural Religion and Christian Theology. [REVIEW]R. J. Spilsbury - 1955 - Mind 64:280.
  6.  23
    Riddell Memorial Lectures. Eighth Series. General Subject: Evolution and the Christian Conception of God. Delivered before the University of Durham at Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, November 1935, by Charles E. Raven, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. (London: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford. 1936. Pp. 56. Price 2s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]C. C. J. Webb - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):360-.
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    Pythagoreans and Eleatics - J. E. Raven: Pythagoreans and Eleatics. An account of the interaction between the two opposed schools during the fifth and early fourth centuries B.C. Pp. viii+196. Cambridge: University Press, 1948. Cloth, 12s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]J. Tate - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):109-111.
  8. RAVEN, J. E. - Pythagoreans and Eleatics. [REVIEW]A. C. Lloyd - 1950 - Mind 59:117.
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    Hume, The Causal Principle, and Kemp Smith.David C. Stove - 1975 - Hume Studies 1 (1):1-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME, THE CAUSAL PRINCIPLE, AN'D KEMP SMITH When we say of a proposition that it is possible, we sometimes mean no more than that it is logically possible, that is, consistent with itself. A proposition can be possible in stronger senses than this, but not in any weaker one. For a sense of "p is possible" that did not entail "p is self-consistent, "would have to be a sense (...)
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    The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts.G. S. Kirk & J. E. Raven - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. E. Raven & Malcolm Schofield.
    This book traces the intellectual revolution initiated by Thales in the sixth century BC to its culmination in the metaphysics of Parmenides.
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  11. G. Kreisel. Some reasons for generalizing recursion theory. Logic colloquium '69, Proceedings of the summer school and colloquium in mathematical logic, Manchester, August 1969, edited by R. O. Gandy and C. E. M. Yates, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 61, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London1971, pp. 139–198. [REVIEW]C. E. M. Yates - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):230-232.
  12. The Presocratic Philosophers.G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven & M. Schofield - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):465-469.
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    Helical disclination lines in smectics a.C. E. Williams - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (2):313-321.
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    (1 other version)J. C. E. Dekker. Regressive isols. Sets, models and recursion theory. Proceedings of the Summer School in Mathematical Logic and Tenth Logic Colloquium, Leicester, August-September 1965, edited by John N. Crossley, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, and Humanities Press, New York, 1967, pp. 272–296. [REVIEW]C. E. Bredlau - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):519-519.
  15. New studies in deontic logic.C. E. Alchourrón & D. Makinson - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 125--148.
    Investigates the resolution of contradictions and ambiguous derogations in a code, by means of the imposition of partial orderings. Although formulated as a study in the logic of norms, it provided the initial ideas for work on the logic of theory (or belief) change, developed by the authors in a series of papers by the authors and Peter Gardenfors beginning in 1985.
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  16. The Recovery of Belief a Restatement of Christian Philosophy /by C. E. M. Joad. --.C. E. M. Joad - 1952 - Faber & Faber.
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  17. A cortical network for semantics: (de)constructing the N400.E. Lau, C. Phillips & D. Poeppel - 2008 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9:920-933.
    Measuring event-related potentials (ERPs) has been fundamental to our understanding of how language is encoded in the brain. One particular ERP response, the N400 response, has been especially influential as an index of lexical and semantic processing. However, there remains a lack of consensus on the interpretation of this component. Resolving this issue has important consequences for neural models of language comprehension. Here we show that evidence bearing on where the N400 response is generated provides key insights into what it (...)
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  18. The Theory of Economic Progress.C. E. Ayres - 1946 - Science and Society 10 (2):209-210.
  19.  46
    A debris mechanism of cyclic strain hardening for F.C.C. metals.C. E. Feltner - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (120):1229-1248.
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    Harmony Unheard: The Poetry of Siegfried Sassoon.C. E. Maguire - 1959 - Renascence 11 (3):115-124.
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    Colby's paranoia model: An old theory in a new frame?C. E. Izard & F. A. Masterson - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (4):539-540.
  22. Diritti e doveri della critica.C. E. Rasius - 1901 - Torino: Fratelli Bocca.
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  23. A construção política do "eu" no comportamentalismo radical: Opressão, submissão e subversão.C. E. Lopes - 2024 - Acta Comportamentalia 32:73-91.
    De uma perspectiva comportamentalista radical, o eu é um repertório verbal complexo, que, como tal, tem uma gênese social. O reconhecimento da origem social do “eu” abre caminho para uma análise política, incluindo uma discussão do pa- pel das relações de poder na constituição do eu. Entretanto, uma concepção radicalmente social do “eu”, como a proposta pelo comportamentalismo, suscita um problema político: se o eu é integralmente produto do ambiente social, de onde viria uma eventual “vontade” de romper com esse (...)
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    A minimal pair of recursively enumerable degrees.C. E. M. Yates - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):159-168.
  25. Harming Some to Benefit Others: Animal Rights and the Moral Imperative of Trap-Neuter-Release Programs.C. E. Abbate - 2018 - Between the Species 21 (1).
    Because spaying/neutering animals involves the harming of some animals in order to prevent harm to others, some ethicists, like David Boonin, argue that the philosophy of animal rights is committed to the view that spaying/neutering animals violates the respect principle and that Trap Neuter Release programs are thus impermissible. In response, I demonstrate that the philosophy of animal rights holds that, under certain conditions, it is justified, and sometimes even obligatory, to cause harm to some animals in order to prevent (...)
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  26. Referência e termos singulares.C. E. Caorsi - 2011 - Princípios 30 (30):375-388-.
    Traduçáo: Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Retirado de Carlos E. Caorsi (Ed.). Ensayos sobre Strawson . Universidad de la República/Faculdad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Montevidéo,1992, p. 55-71.
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    Recursively Enumerable Sets and Retracing Functions.C. E. M. Yates - 1962 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 8 (3-4):331-345.
  28.  63
    Is Moral Theory Useful in Practical Ethics?C. E. Harris - 2009 - Teaching Ethics 10 (1):51-67.
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    J. C. E. Dekker. Good choice sets. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, scienze fisiche e mathematiche, series 3 vol. 20 , pp. 367–393. - J. C. E. Dekker. The recursive equivalence type of a class of sets. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 70 , pp. 628–632. [REVIEW]C. E. Bredlau - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):518-519.
  30.  55
    Donald A. Martin. On a question of G. E. Sacks. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 31 , pp. 66–69.C. E. M. Yates - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):528-529.
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    Instinct and capacity--I: The instinct of belief-in-instincts.C. E. Ayres - 1921 - Journal of Philosophy 18 (21):561-565.
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    (1 other version)The epistemological significance of social psychology.C. E. Ayres - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (2):35-44.
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    A note about Charles F. Gore, Bishop of Oxford.C. E. Simcox - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):373-374.
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    Revolution or Reform: The Chemical Revolution and Eighteenth Century Concepts of Scientific Change.C. E. Perrin - 1987 - History of Science 25 (4):395-423.
  35. The Quest for Certainty. John Dewey.C. E. Ayres - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (3):425-433.
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    Moral Confusion in Economics.C. E. Ayres - 1935 - International Journal of Ethics 45 (2):170-199.
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    Poverty and Riches. Scott Nearing.C. E. Ayres - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (4):531-532.
  38.  53
    The Ethics of Competition.C. E. Ayres - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (3):364-370.
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  39. (1 other version)Thomas Hobbes and the apologetic philosophy.C. E. Ayres - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (18):477-486.
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    The New Era of Fruitfulness in Ethical Thinking.C. E. Ayres - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (3):373-392.
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    Values: Ethical and Economic.C. E. Ayres - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (4):452.
  42.  48
    Values: Ethical and Economic.C. E. Ayres - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (4):452-454.
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    and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.C. E. M. Banzato, J. E. Mezzich & C. E. Berganza - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (2):131-143.
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    (1 other version)Animal Rights and the Duty to Harm: When to be a Harm Causing Deontologist.C. E. Abbate - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (1):5-26.
    An adequate theory of rights ought to forbid the harming of animals to promote trivial interests of humans, as is often done in the animal-user industries. But what should the rights view say about situations in which harming some animals is necessary to prevent intolerable injustices to other animals? I develop an account of respectful treatment on which, under certain conditions, it’s justified to intentionally harm some individuals to prevent serious harm to others. This can be compatible with recognizing the (...)
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  45. A phenomenological study of thinking.E. Babbie, A. Giorgi, A. Barton & C. Maes - forthcoming - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology.
  46. Measurements of illusions and hallucinations in normal life.C. E. Seashore - 1895 - Studies From the Yale Psychological Laboratory 3:1–67.
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    Claudius and the Orcades.C. E. Stevens - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):7-9.
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  48. Pro Sulla.C. E. W. Steel - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (02):309-.
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    Modern Japanese Novels and the West.C. E. H. & Donald Keene - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):140.
  50.  40
    Professions of faith and the problem of meaning.C. E. Huber - 1967 - World Futures 5 (3):56-65.
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